Barbara Kruger (American, b. 1945) Untitled (We Won’t Play Nature to Your Culture), 1983 Book cover, 11.82 x 8.27 x 0.2 in (30 x 21 x 0.5 cm) Softcover catalogue of the exhibition, Barbara Kruger: We Won’t Play Nature to Your CultureAuthors: Barbara Kruger, Iwona Blazwick, Sandy Nairne, Craig Owens, Jane Weinstock Publishers: London: Institute of Contemporary Arts, Basel: Kunsthalle ©1983.
Historically, ecofeminism was marked by the struggle with patriarchal dualism between culture (a notion almost tantamount to civilization and progress) and nature; the dualism inseparable from the issue of gender roles. One response was Goddess art, aimed at reclaiming Herstory and the creator as a female, and at empowering women by asserting their connection with nature, yet the essence of the fight of early feminists may have best been expressed on the witty and perfectly aimed cover of Barbara Kruger’s exhibition catalog, We Won’t Play Our Nature to Your Culture (ICA London, 1983).